Commitment to Safety

Safety: The Most Important Part of Every Job

Every day, at every location, we live by the motto, “Safety First.” Safety concerns override any other consideration. Our entire company is committed to the health of our employees, customers, on-site contractors and the general public because we know that success requires prompt and reliable service and assurance that every job is performed safely.

Our Proven Formula For Safety and Success

Constant communication and training ensures that every job is done properly and safely:

  1. Risk management training begins for each employee as soon as they are hired and continues throughout their employment
  2. Weekly, monthly and yearly safety meetings are mandatory
  3. Daily pre-job meetings include Toolbox Talks, Tailboard Discussions, JSA(Job Site Analysis)
  4. JHA (Job Hazard Analysis).is ongoing
  5. Operators receive hands-on equipment training and are qualified on each specific piece of equipment
  6. We conduct recurring training on equipment such as Forklifts and Crane Jibs

Safety By The Numbers

Using aggressive loss control measures, constantly reviewing and upgrading our existing safety program, and continuously initiating new safety measures, we have been able to establish, maintain, and steadily improve our safety record.

Safety Takes All Of Us

Safety is driven from the top down at Clark, from our owner, Dave Clark, to every employee. Our full-time safety staff, formal safety program, and significant investment into new equipment and personnel training, help assure that we deliver quality and professionalism on every job in the safest way possible.

How to Work Smarter
Safety Tips:

Clark Companies is an active participant with the following safety compliance programs: