One of Clark Rigging’s newest pieces of equipment was recently utilized to perform a series of transformer replacements at several electrical substations throughout Western New York.
These electrical substations had failed transformers located inside a roofed bay enclosure, or directly under live overhead power lines which limited the use of a crane to move them out. As an alternative solution, a 150 ton capacity Hydra-Slide XLP150 slider beam system was used as a safe, cost-effective method of moving heavy loads along the ground in areas where overhead space is limited and clearance counts.
The XLP150 system consists of a hydraulic power pack, a push/pull mechanism, and a modular slide surface. It is completely hand-portable, simple to assemble, requires limited jacking, and can push or pull up to 150 tons. With the use of the Hydra-Slide XLP150, Clark Rigging was able to perform a series of these transformer replacements at multiple locations with only a one-day turnaround for each.